Installing a New Concrete

Benefits of Installing a New Concrete


Installing a new concrete slab on a new home can have several benefits. In addition to saving money, it improves durability and air quality. Additionally, it reduces tripping hazards. You might also be able to reuse the old concrete, which also adds to its sustainability.

Reusing old concrete improves durability

The recycling of old Vervo Concrete Charleston slabs not only reduces the waste from construction, but it also helps the environment. Not only does it reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills, it helps protect our underground water tables. It can also save the construction industry time and money. Furthermore, it creates more jobs.

The process of recycling old concrete involves crushing and cleaning it. Then it can be reused in landscaping projects. Recycling old concrete pavements has been a common practice since the 1940s. One example of a project was the reconstruction of the old US Route 66 in Illinois. After the reconstruction, the old concrete was crushed to reduce its size and reused.

Reduces costs

There are several ways to reduce the costs of installing a new concrete slab. One option involves using subgrade concrete instead of pouring a new slab. This can save thousands of dollars in labor costs. Another option is to use a professional concrete contractor to do the job. A professional can make sure the slab is installed correctly and offer a warranty.

The costs of installing a new concrete slab vary depending on size and thickness. Typically, homeowners spend between $4 and $8 per square foot. However, the cost of a slab can increase if you want it to be thicker or require additional reinforcement. Adding an additional layer of mesh to the slab can cost $0.35 per square foot. In addition to mesh, steel rebar reinforcement is often necessary for heavy-duty slabs. Steel rebar reinforcement costs approximately $2 to $3 per square foot.

A concrete contractor’s pricing will also vary by the amount of work required. If you’re building a home, you can often save money by doing it yourself. Depending on your skill level, you can save between $367 and $2,233 on the total cost of the job. But, it’s important to note that costs may vary a bit based on the labor market in your area and concrete costs.

Improves air quality

Whether you are installing a new Vervo Concrete Charleston SC slab or resurfacing an old one, there are a few steps you should take to improve air quality. First, you need to test the moisture content of the concrete. Relative humidity measures the percentage of water vapor that is present in the substrate. The lower the percentage, the less water the slab will absorb.

Water is a major issue under concrete slabs, and can cause a variety of problems. Moisture can damage flooring, lower indoor air quality, and increase energy costs. This moisture can be caused by poor ventilation, rain, or poor plumbing. Additionally, water can affect the curing time of concrete, which can reduce its compressive strength.

The slab must be prepared before adhesive is applied. Some manufacturers offer products that have a chemical barrier that seals the slab while it cures. However, not all adhesives stick to concrete, so you should take the time to research a variety of products before choosing the right one for your application.

Reduces tripping hazards

An uneven concrete slab can be dangerous for pedestrians and can put your business at risk. In addition to being an annoyance to tenants, a tripping hazard can create a large liability for municipal employees, investment owners, and even homeowners. It can even increase your insurance premiums.

If you’re installing a new concrete slab, you must consider the tripping hazards involved. Lifting the concrete slab to repair it is a common hazard that can cause an injury or a legal lawsuit. Using a soil remediation company can help you minimize these issues.


The removal of damaged concrete can be messy, time-consuming, and expensive. However, experts in the field recommend that you first perform a soil engineering assessment of your property to assess the potential instability of your slab. This will help you determine if the slab is stable enough or if you need a deeper foundation.