Clubfoot in Children: Causes and Treatment

Clubfoot is a congenital condition in which a baby is born with one or both feet twisted or rotated inwards. It is one of the most common congenital orthopedic conditions. Here, we will discuss the causes and treatment options for clubfoot in children.


The exact cause of clubfoot is not always known, but it is believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some potential causes and risk factors include:

  • Genetics: A family history of clubfoot can increase the risk of a child being born with the condition. For more information visit a Best child specialist in Lahore.
  • Position in the Womb: Clubfoot may occur due to the position of the baby in the womb. It can result from the limited space or abnormal positioning of the feet during fetal development.
  • Amniotic Band Syndrome: In some cases, clubfoot may be associated with amniotic band syndrome, where fibrous bands in the womb restrict normal fetal development.
  • Neuromuscular Disorders: Certain neuromuscular disorders, such as spina bifida, can increase the risk of clubfoot.


Clubfoot is treatable, and early intervention is crucial to achieve the best results. The treatment typically involves non-surgical and surgical approaches, depending on the severity of the condition:

Non-Surgical Treatment (Ponseti Method):

The most common and effective non-surgical treatment is the Ponseti method. This approach involves a series of gentle manipulations and the application of plaster casts to gradually correct the foot’s position.

After the correction is achieved, the child may wear a brace (often called “boots and bar”) to maintain the corrected position and prevent relapse. The brace is typically worn for several years, initially full-time and later during sleep.

Surgical Treatment:

In some cases, if non-surgical methods are not successful or if the clubfoot is particularly severe, surgery may be required. Surgical correction may involve releasing tight tendons, reshaping bones, and correcting the alignment of the foot.

Following surgery, a period of immobilization and casting is often necessary, and subsequent bracing may be required.

  • Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy can be a valuable part of clubfoot treatment. It helps improve muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility in the affected foot.

  • Long-Term Follow-Up:

Children with clubfoot may require ongoing medical care and monitoring to ensure that the condition does not recur.

The goal of clubfoot treatment is to achieve a functional, pain-free, and cosmetically acceptable foot. With early intervention and consistent follow-up care, most children can achieve a successful outcome and lead normal, active lives. However, treatment can be a lengthy process, and parents should be prepared for ongoing care and monitoring throughout childhood. To get help visit a Child Specialist in Karachi.