How Technology Has Shaped Our Buying Habits

There have been several changes in our buying habits. Earlier, people used to visit different stores and compare products. However, shopping has become a much easier process thanks to technological development. There are even websites, such as, which allow you to compare and contrast different companies online.

In addition, increasing numbers of younger consumers consume content from all over the world, and they reach experiences with other consumers. These technological developments have made it possible to access the content we want instantly yet curb impulse buying decisions with the help of well-researched information.

Impact of IoT

More retail businesses are using the Internet of Things to connect with consumers. It is a powerful technology, and the impact on purchasing habits could be huge. Retailers can use IoT to create more brilliant stores and collect valuable consumer data. This data will help them increase sales and uncover what people want. Here are three ways IoT will change buying habits. You might be surprised by which one has the most significant impact on you.

IoT-enabled smartphones made online shopping more convenient and spatially independent. In 2017, almost every third of online shoppers reported buying something through a mobile device. It has also expanded the traditional boundaries of e-commerce. Among the IoT-enabled devices are voice assistants and smart fridges. Smart fridges will help determine when it is time to reorder groceries.

IoT-connected products offer real-time data. The data can improve the user’s experience. For example, a sportsperson wearing a smart band can monitor his activity and determine their physical condition. You can share this data with his coach, providing feedback and suggestions. Ultimately, IoT-enabled devices can increase a brand’s overall sales. The impact on buying habits will vary, but some scenarios will be universal.

Consumers expect more from businesses. IoT-enabled devices allow providers to collect observational data on user behaviors. Such data enables providers to experiment with various techniques and interventions. The result will be that connected consumers expect more from businesses. So, how can companies prepare to meet these demands? Read on to learn more. IoT-enabled devices will impact buying habits and how consumers interact with them when IoT-enabled devices become mainstream.

The Internet of Things allows companies to collect behavioral data about their customers and preferences. This information is becoming accessible to Google and Facebook. As a result, we see advertisements for things we’ve recently discussed. Marketing algorithms of these companies are now set up to anticipate consumer behavior and desires. Whether we like it or not, it’s already affecting buying habits. It would help if you started preparing yourself now for the implications of IoT on buying habits.

Influence of social media

The influence of social media on consumer buying behavior is widely debated. While the impact of social media on buying behavior is accurate, the empirical evidence to support this conclusion is mixed. It has been noted that social media users are more satisfied with the decision-making stages when the information provided through these platforms is more extensive than that offered by the actual product. Thus, this research focuses on how social media users influence their buying decisions.

According to this study, a business’s social media presence is significant in consumer buying behavior. Conversely, a lackluster social media presence makes it difficult to establish brand credibility. However, a consistent feed is critical in converting visitors into followers and buyers. Here are the most common ways social media can affect buying habits:

The use of social media during decision-making stages is associated with higher post-purchase satisfaction. These purchases often require significant consumer involvement, are highly expensive, and carry substantial risks. Further, social media users are more likely to purchase products that they have learned about through their friends’ recommendations. Moreover, it is easier for them to compare brands when they use social media than those who do not.

This study surveyed 133 people based on their social media use. One-third did not use social media. The remaining thirty-seven people were placed in a group without social media use. The sample of respondents consisted of 113 women and 107 men. The age distribution of the respondents was centered around the 33-37 age range and the over-48 years bracket. The authors note that the data presented here is quite encouraging, but the study needs to examine this aspect further.

As consumers are increasingly active on social media, companies must find a way to make themselves stand out in this crowd. A consistent social media voice and an updated social media feed will increase a brand’s credibility. In addition, social media advertising allows for hyper-targeting, retargeting, and strategic marketing strategies. And because the platform is so ubiquitous, a brand can easily reach an audience that otherwise would not interact with it.

Influence of subscription services

Consumers increasingly use subscription services to access high-quality items, including food and fashion. In Q1 of 2020, 14.8% of respondents said convenience was their main reason for subscribing to a subscription service, down from 10.2% in Q1 2017. However, the reasons consumers choose subscription services have changed dramatically. Instead of buying based on convenience, consumers now subscribe to access high-quality products, such as music, video, and magazine subscriptions. The two demographics most likely to use subscription services in the UK are millennials and bridge millennials.

While there are many reasons to subscribe, one of the most compelling reasons is the lower cost and higher personalization. According to a recent McKinsey study, subscribers are willing to pay a monthly fee for the quality of their content. The McKinsey report found that consumers are willing to pay a monthly subscription for higher quality, lower price, and more personalization. In addition, subscription services that offer a wide array of fresh experiences, such as new restaurants, will attract customers and reduce the likelihood of cancellation.

The UK spends PS25bn on subscriptions that aren’t used. While gyms are the biggest culprits, other subscription services have tapped into this market by cashing in on unintended cancelers. According to Jennifer Savary, assistant professor of marketing at the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management, subscription services have changed our buying habits. While consumers used to be wary of subscriptions, they now embrace them and see them as a sign of personal identity clarity.

Consumers who choose subscription services are more willing to pay for better value than ever. Subscription services offer retailers and CPG brands an opportunity to reward loyal customers by offering savings in exchange for their loyalty. For example, a laundry detergent subscription provides a higher margin for the manufacturer because they don’t need to advertise to secure shelf space. Moreover, they can use cheaper packaging than traditional laundry detergent. This trend has the potential to transform retail.

One primary reason for skepticism is that many consumers have difficulty canceling a subscription. Two-thirds of respondents listed problems canceling subscriptions as their primary concern. Additionally, they do not want to waste time canceling subscriptions, so they do not overbuy. For example, one extra laundry detergent bottle may be handy, but five bottles are unnecessary. It’s easy to overbuy items through subscription services, but many consumers are not ready to make this decision.

Impact of artificial intelligence

Online retailers are already making the most of this technology with AI-aided computer vision technology. For instance, the company Amazon Go, which is currently running in 27 locations across the US, uses AI to suggest products to customers. The bill automatically and does not require the consumer to interact with staff. In other words, AI is already changing the way people buy groceries. Here are some of the potential consequences of AI on buying habits.

While AI is already influencing the labor market, we have not seen a detailed study of its impact on employment. Acemoglu et al. (2019) classified establishments as “AI-exposed” when workers perform tasks compatible with AI capabilities. Interestingly, the number of such jobs accelerated dramatically after 2015.

AI allows businesses to make data-driven decisions based on the data it gathers. Marketers need to anticipate consumer behavior to create products that will keep customers returning. Deep learning, a subfunction of AI, imitates the human brain by using deep neural networks to solve complex problems. As AI grows more sophisticated, businesses find new ways to optimize their marketing. By leveraging AI solutions, marketers can better allocate funds to successful campaigns and better understand their customers.

The impact of AI on consumers and companies is a controversial issue. Some have worried that AI could lead to mass unemployment. While AI may be an innovation catalyst, many economists are wary about its potential to erode jobs and economic instability. While AI has the potential to transform the world, ambiguity remains about its impact on consumers. In the meantime, it is already changing the way people buy. Consumers are also likely to experience higher prices, lower quality products, and less variety.

As AI gains momentum, it is likely to impact consumers’ buying habits significantly. For example, this technology can improve marketing operations by automating tactical processes, such as answering frequently asked questions and securing security authorizations. Ultimately, this makes a brand more competitive and attractive. Additionally, AI-enabled retail models can use dynamic pricing to boost sales and edge out competitors. As a result, AI-aided retail has already begun to impact purchasing habits.