food Archives - Tech InShorts A scoop of Technology Fri, 30 Jun 2023 09:10:47 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 food Archives - Tech InShorts 32 32 Exploring The High-Tech World of Innovative Soy Products Fri, 30 Jun 2023 09:10:46 +0000 The intriguing world of soy products has had some of the best high-tech breakthroughs. That said, soy, a flexible and sustainable commodity, has been at [...]

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The intriguing world of soy products has had some of the best high-tech breakthroughs. That said, soy, a flexible and sustainable commodity, has been at the forefront of culinary and material science breakthroughs, providing various innovative solutions to meet the needs of a wide range of consumers. 

Notably, there has been a tremendous boom in the creation of soy-based alternatives that resemble the flavor and texture of traditional meat and dairy products and give sustainable and ethical solutions for consumers seeking plant-based alternatives. 

Join us on this adventure as we investigate the cutting-edge technologies and game-changing uses that have transformed the soy business. We’ll explore the many dimensions of this fantastic food, from plant-based meat replacements that have taken the culinary world by storm to soy-based fabrics paving the way for sustainable fashion. Read on. 

Plant-Based Meats 

Because of its versatility and high protein content, soy has long been a popular ingredient in meat alternatives. Recent breakthroughs, however, have elevated plant-based meats to a whole new level.  

Examples include soy-based burgers, sausages, and other meat replacements that closely resemble the flavor, texture, and juiciness of animal-based meats, thanks to cutting-edge technology by Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods. These products offer meat lovers a tasty and sustainable substitute by combining soy isolates, plant proteins, and heme. 

Functional Foods 

Another area of innovative soy products is the inclusion of soy into functional foods. Soy includes bioactive substances, such as isoflavones, linked to various health advantages. Fortified soy-based goods, such as energy bars, snacks, and beverages, are being developed using technology to deliver these health-promoting components in handy and pleasant forms. 

Textured Soy Protein 

Textured soy protein, or textured vegetable protein (TVP), is a versatile ingredient that can replace meat in various dishes. It’s produced from defatted soy flour treated to give it a fibrous and chewy texture akin to meat. Textured soy protein can be found in goods such as soy-based nuggets, crumbles, and meat analogs, making it a high-protein option for vegetarian and vegan diets. 

Fermented Soy Products 

Tempeh, miso, and soy sauce are examples of fermented conventional soy products. Recent advancements, however, have broadened the market’s availability of fermented soy products. For example, fermented soy-based cheese spreads and sauces provide a distinct and acidic flavor profile and probiotic benefits. 

Waste Reduction 

Technology is assisting in reducing waste and making better use of soy byproducts. Soy hulls, or the outer layers of soybeans, can be converted into animal feed, dietary fiber, or a renewable energy source. Furthermore, soybean oil extraction technologies are refined to reduce waste and maximize soybean use. 

Sustainable Packaging 

With growing environmental concerns, technology is being used to develop sustainable packaging solutions based on soy. For instance, soy-based bioplastics are being investigated as an alternative to petroleum-based polymers. These bioplastics are a more environmentally friendly choice because they are renewable, biodegradable, and have a lower carbon footprint. 

Dairy Alternatives 

Soy has made tremendous progress in the dairy business, in addition to meat substitutes. Soy milk has long been a popular dairy substitute, but technological advances have enabled the development of soy-based equivalents to cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.  

Companies have reproduced dairy products’ creamy textures and aromas using soy as a base using procedures such as fermentation and enzymatic reactions. Because of these developments, more options are now available to those who are lactose intolerant, allergic to milk, or follow a vegan diet. 

Soy-Based Protein Powders 

Protein powders are becoming increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts and others trying to enhance their protein intake. Because of their high protein content and balanced amino acid profile, soy protein powders manufactured from defatted soybean meals are a popular alternative.  

Soy protein isolates, which have a greater protein concentration and are employed as a key element in numerous sports nutrition products, are now possible because of technological advancements. 

Soy-Based Seafood Alternatives 

Soy Foods’ high-tech world has even delved into the field of seafood substitutes. Companies have begun creating soy-based replacements for popular seafood items such as fish filets, shrimp, and crab in response to concerns about overfishing and the environmental impact of traditional fishing tactics.  

These products try to emulate their seafood equivalents’ taste, texture, and nutritional profile while decreasing the strain on marine ecosystems by combining soy proteins, algae extracts, and other plant-based ingredients. 

Soy-Based Snacks and Beverages 

Soy has entered the snack and beverage industries in addition to meat, dairy, and seafood substitutes. Protein-based drinks, snacks, and bars made from soy are now available and offer consumers on the go a quick and wholesome option.  

These products are usually enhanced with additional ingredients, like nuts, fruits, and seeds, to improve their flavors and textures, making them a tempting alternative for health-conscious consumers. 

Soy-Based Ingredients and Additives 

The texture, flavor, and nutritional value of numerous food products are all improved by soy-based ingredients. Common emulsifiers include soy lecithin, which is made from soybean oil and is present in processed foods, chocolate, and baked goods. Soy-based ingredients are also used to make vegan-friendly sauces, dressings, and condiments. 

Cultured Meat 

Cultured or lab-grown meat is a new food industry technique. Scientists have created a method in which animal cells are cultivated in a lab to make meat without using traditional animal farming. Soy proteins were utilized as a growing medium for these produced meat cells, resulting in a more sustainable alternative to conventional meat manufacturing. 

Plant-Based Egg 

Traditional eggs are being phased out in favor of soy-based alternatives that perform similarly in baking and cooking. To resemble the texture and flavor of eggs, these new products are frequently manufactured with a combination of soy proteins, plant fibers, and other substances. 

They are low in cholesterol and can be used to make omelets, scrambled eggs, and baked products. 

Soy-Based Biomedical Materials 

Biomedical applications are also being found for soybean-derived materials. Soy bioactive compounds with potential health advantages, such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory characteristics, are being developed by researchers.  

Soy-based biomaterials are also investigated for tissue engineering, medication delivery systems, and wound healing. 


While soy-based products might be a sustainable and healthy choice, it is crucial to evaluate the quality and manufacturing methods. You can choose foods that are organic, minimally processed, and free of genetically modified organisms by reading labels and making these choices. 

Overall, the high-tech world of novel soy products continues growing and gives interesting options for individuals seeking plant-based alternatives. These improvements provide sustainable options and a diverse range of flavors and textures that cater to a wide range of culinary preferences and dietary requirements. 

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Foods to Eat When You Can’t Sleep at Night: A Guide to Better Sleep Fri, 12 May 2023 05:30:50 +0000 Introduction Do you often find yourself tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep? If so, you’re not alone. According to the National Sleep [...]

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Do you often find yourself tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep? If so, you’re not alone. According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 30% of adults experience some form of insomnia, with symptoms ranging from difficulty falling asleep to waking up frequently throughout the night. While there are many factors that can contribute to sleep disturbances, diet is a crucial one. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best foods to eat when you can’t sleep at night, and how they can help you get the restful sleep you need. And while dining out can be a fun and convenient option, it’s important to keep in mind the cost of meals. For instance, you may wonder, How much is Golden Corral for adults? but remember that eating at home can be a more affordable and healthier option.

The Role of Diet in Sleep Health

Research shows that diet can have a significant impact on sleep quality and duration. Certain foods and nutrients can help promote relaxation and reduce stress, which are key factors in getting a good night’s sleep. Conversely, a poor diet can lead to indigestion, discomfort, and even insomnia. So, what foods should you be eating if you’re struggling to sleep?

Foods That Can Promote Sleep

  1. Cherries: Cherries are a natural source of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Consuming cherries or cherry juice before bed can help increase melatonin levels and improve sleep quality.
  2. Bananas: Bananas are rich in magnesium, which has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. They also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that can help increase serotonin levels in the brain, leading to better sleep.
  3. Walnuts: Walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and promote relaxation. They also contain melatonin, making them a great bedtime snack.
  4. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate that can help increase serotonin levels in the brain, promoting relaxation and sleep. It also contains melatonin and calcium, which are both essential for sleep health.
  5. Herbal Tea: Herbal teas like chamomile, valerian root, and passionflower have been used for centuries as natural remedies for insomnia. These teas contain compounds that can help promote relaxation and reduce stress.

The Importance of Timing and Quantity

While incorporating these sleep-promoting foods into your diet can be helpful, it’s important to consider the timing and quantity of your meals. Eating a large or heavy meal close to bedtime can cause indigestion and discomfort, making it difficult to fall asleep. Instead, aim to have a light meal or snack a few hours before bed. Additionally, be mindful of portion sizes, as overeating can also lead to indigestion and discomfort.

How to Incorporate These Foods Into Your Diet

There are many ways to incorporate these sleep-promoting foods into your diet. For instance, you can have a bowl of oatmeal with banana slices for breakfast or a small handful of walnuts as a snack. You can also try drinking herbal tea before bed or having a glass of cherry juice with dinner. Experiment with different recipes and meal ideas to find what works best for you.

Eating Out vs. Eating at Home: What to Consider

While it can be tempting to grab a late-night snack from a fast-food restaurant or a buffet like Golden Corral, it’s important to consider the impact that these foods can have on sleep. Eating high-fat, high-calorie foods close to bedtime can disrupt sleep and cause discomfort. Additionally, restaurant meals are often larger than what we would typically eat at home, which can also contribute to poor sleep. When possible, aim to prepare meals at home using sleep-promoting ingredients like those listed above.


dietary changes can be a simple yet effective way to improve sleep quality. By incorporating foods that contain sleep-promoting nutrients, such as tryptophan, magnesium, and melatonin, into your diet, you may be able to enhance relaxation and sleep duration. Additionally, being mindful of timing and quantity is crucial to ensure that the food you eat doesn’t interfere with your sleep. Whether you’re dining out or eating at home, make sure to prioritize healthy food choices and be aware of portion sizes. If you’re curious about Golden Corral prices for adults, remember to consider the nutritional value and quality of the food alongside the cost of the meal. Ultimately, investing in healthy dietary choices can lead to better sleep, improved overall health, and well-being.

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Baked Potato in Oven: The Perfect Way to Enjoy this Versatile Food Wed, 22 Feb 2023 04:04:11 +0000 Potatoes are versatile food that can be prepared in various ways, but few are as classic and delicious as baked potatoes. Whether you’re looking for [...]

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Potatoes are versatile food that can be prepared in various ways, but few are as classic and delicious as baked potatoes. Whether you’re looking for a simple side dish or a hearty meal, a baked potato in the oven is a simple and satisfying option. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of baked potatoes, how to baked potato in oven, and some tips and tricks for the perfect baked potato every time.

Benefits of Baked Potatoes

Potatoes are a good source of several important nutrients, including vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Baked potatoes are also a low-fat and low-calorie option, making them a healthy addition to any meal. One medium-sized baked potato has only about 110-120 calories, 2 grams of protein, and 26 grams of carbohydrates.

In addition to being a nutritious food, baked potatoes are also easy to prepare and highly versatile. They can be enjoyed as a simple side dish or dressed with toppings like butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon, chives, and more.

How to Bake Potatoes in the Oven?

Baking potatoes in the oven is a simple and easy process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to baking the perfect potato:

  1. Preheat your oven to 425°F.
  2. Wash and scrub the potatoes under cold running water, then pat them dry with a towel.
  3. Pierce each potato with a fork several times to create vents for steam to escape.
  4. Rub the potatoes with a light coating of olive oil or cooking spray. This will help the skin to crisp up in the oven.
  5. Sprinkle the potatoes with a small amount of salt and other desired seasonings, such as garlic powder or paprika.
  6. Place the potatoes directly on the oven rack or a baking sheet lined with foil.
  7. Bake the potatoes for 45-60 minutes or until they are tender and can be easily pierced with a fork.
  8. Remove the potatoes from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes.
  9. Slice the potatoes open, and fluff the insides with a fork.

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Baked Potato

While baked potatoes are a simple dish, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you achieve the perfect result:

  1. Choose the right type of potato: While any potato can be baked, russet potatoes are the most commonly used for their large size and fluffy texture. However, red or gold potatoes can also be used for a smaller serving size and a creamier texture.
  2. Remember the salt: A small amount of salt is crucial for bringing out the potato’s natural flavour. Be sure to add a light sprinkle before baking.
  3. Add toppings after baking: While toppings like butter, sour cream, and cheese can add flavor to a baked potato, they can also add excess calories and unhealthy fats. Try serving your potatoes with healthier toppings such as steamed vegetables, plain Greek yogurt, or salsa.
  4. Don’t overcook: Overcooking a potato can cause it to become dry and mealy. To avoid this, keep an eye on your potatoes while they bake, and remove them from the oven as soon as they are tender.
  5. Serve immediately: Baked potatoes are best served immediately while still warm and fluffy. If you need to hold them, wrap them in foil to keep them warm until you are ready to serve.


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7 Highlights of ELISA Kits Thu, 09 Feb 2023 13:07:55 +0000 The 1970s saw the development of the ELISA, also known as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. This typical laboratory test determines the amount of an analyte—typically antibodies [...]

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The 1970s saw the development of the ELISA, also known as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. This typical laboratory test determines the amount of an analyte—typically antibodies or antigens—in a given solution. With ELISA, you can measure the results, which makes it different from other tests of the same kind.

In this post, we’ll look at seven unique highlights of ELISA, including the principle, process, and applications.

What is ELISA? 

The Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, or ELISA, is one of the immunoassays that is considered to be among the most sensitive. An ELISA can usually detect things between 0.1 fmole and 1 fmole or 0.01 ng and 0.1 ng. It’s an assay method that uses plates to identify and measure biomolecules such as peptides, proteins, antibodies, and hormones.

An antigen must be immobilized on a hard surface and then cross-linked with an enzyme-linked antibody in an ELISA. The conjugated enzyme’s activity is evaluated by incubating it with a substrate to yield a quantifiable result, which enables detection. A specific antibody-antigen engagement is the most critical component of this detection technique.

Types of ELISA 

ELISA tests can be divided into three categories based on the various methods used for antigen and antibody binding, namely:

  • Reverse ELISA 
  • Sandwich ELISA  
  • Comparable ELISA 

Types of Detection Methods

In addition to these various approaches for carrying out ELISA, there are also numerous approaches to detection, split up into two categories: direct and indirect. 

Testing using an ELISA kit can yield either purely quantitative or qualitative and semi-quantitative results. The data are typically graphed to be compared with other studies and used to conclude. The interpretation of quantitative findings involves making comparisons to a standard curve. The absence or presence of an antigen is reported as a simple yes or no in qualitative results, and Semi-quantitative outcomes are contrasted in relative levels.

This test is susceptible when compared to other immunoassays that are currently on the market. The features of the antibody-antigen reaction will determine the level of sensitivity that can be achieved. The laboratory could incorporate a substrate, such as one that produces a stronger chemiluminescent or fluorescent signal, to achieve more favorable outcomes. 

Principle of ELISA 

ELISA is based on the theory that particular antibodies will bind to their respective targets’ antigens, allowing for detecting both the presence of and the number of antigens attached. The plate needs to be coated with antibodies with high affinity for the target to maximize the experiment’s sensitivity and precision. A helpful measurement of the antigen-antibody concentration can be obtained through ELISA.

ELISA Kit Protocol  

You can find links to the handbooks for ELISA kits on some online datasheets, or you can request access. These materials contain information on the assay’s essential workings, a comprehensive list of the kit’s components, and an in-depth procedure. The simple methodology and thorough instructions are best suited for people with little experience with ELISAs and those with extensive experience but limited time. 

In addition, you can find MSDS sheets for these products if you need them. There are several ELISA kit businesses and manufacturers that offer a wide variety of tests. However, these kits are distinguished by their high-quality components and reagents.

ELISA Procedure

ELISA is one of the most straightforward blood tests that can be performed. It is swift, takes very little time, and all that is needed is a blood sample from the patient. The entire ELISA procedure is detailed below.

  • An antibody is immobilized on a polystyrene dish, which has a solid structure. This antibody is sensitive to hormones, other compounds, and microorganisms, and thus it is bonded to the plate.
  • After adding the antigen-antibody mixture to a microtiter that has already been coated with antigen, the microtiter is washed to eliminate any free antibodies.
  • In most cases, a second antibody that is selective to the first antibody and that has been coupled with an enzyme is added. 
  • Washing the plate removes any secondary antibodies that are not enzyme-linked free.
  • The last step is to add the substrate. The enzyme changes the substrate into a colored byproduct that can be measured with spectrophotometry.
  • ELISA can identify the presence of the HCG protein, which is a sign of pregnancy. To complete the process, a blood or urine sample and purified HCG coupled to an enzyme must be added. If HCG is not present in the sample being tested, just the enzyme connected to it will adhere to the solid surface.
  • The higher the concentration of the substance of interest, the more reaction occurs, and the less linked enzyme adheres to the solid surface. Usually, a change in the solution’s color indicates the presence of these activities.

ELISA-Diagnosable Illnesses 

Some of the following conditions can be identified using ELISA kits :

  • Pernicious anemia 
  • Syphilis 
  • Toxoplasmosis 
  • Zika virus 
  • Epithelial cell adenocarcinoma 
  • AIDS 
  • Rotavirus 
  • Ebola 
  • West Nile virus 
  • Lyme illness 
  • Bibliography: Blood Groups

The Benefits of ELISA 

The ELISA method has several benefits, some of which are detailed below:

Due to the utilization of two different antibodies, the results obtained through ELISA allow for a reliable diagnosis of a specific disease. It can be performed on complicated samples because the antigen doesn’t require purifying to be detected.

Because both direct and indirect analysis methods can be used, it has a high degree of responsiveness. Fast turnaround time for results is another advantage of this test.

ELISA detection models include quantitative, semi-quantitative, standard curve, qualitative, and calibration curve models, among others. Compared to other tests that need to be conducted in the presence of radioactive substances, this one is simpler and less challenging.

ELISA Applications

Some of ELISA’s many uses are described in the following points.

  • It is possible to ascertain whether or not a specimen has any antibodies or antigens.
  • It is used in the food sector to identify any allergies that may be present in the food.
  • Serum antibody testing is used to quantify the level of protection against infection in a blood sample.
  • Rapid testing kits are used to find the existence of antibodies in blood samples during a disease epidemic to assess the spread of the illness, as was the case with the most recent COVID-19 outbreak.


The ELISA test relies on the unique interaction between an antigen’s specific amino acid sequence and the attachment site on an antibody identical to the antigen. An ELISA test can involve either monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies, depending on the researcher’s preference. 

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Here Are 5 Whisky Recipes You Should Try Thu, 09 Feb 2023 12:09:28 +0000 Weekend parties are the best way to unwind after a long week. It is also an opportunity to reconnect with old friends. All you need [...]

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Weekend parties are the best way to unwind after a long week. It is also an opportunity to reconnect with old friends. All you need is food, rocking music, and rattling dance moves. Though it does not have to be extravagant, proper planning is required so everyone can enjoy themselves. While menu planning is time-consuming, there are plenty of cocktails to choose from when it comes to drinks. 

However, one thing is for sure; you cannot go wrong with whiskey cocktails. These boozy classics can amp up any celebration, and just one sip is enough to start the party. If you’re planning a house party this weekend, we’re here to help by providing whiskey cocktail ideas for your gathering.  

Here are five recipes for whiskey cocktails created by expert mixologists to liven up your celebration:  

Old Fashioned 

Origin: Around 1806, the Old Fashioned was used for the first time, but it wasn’t the Old Fashioned as we know it today. An Old Fashioned, which referred to a particular mixology method, was the first name people began using to refer to cocktails. Similar to modern Old Fashioned fusions, these Old Fashioned recipes used a variety of spirits, including gin and mezcal. 

This continued to be the case until the 1860s, when people began to order bitters, water, and sugar along with their preferred spirit of choice even more frequently. A Chicago bartender reported in 1882 that the most popular version was an “old-fashioned” made with rye whiskey. 

There are many conflicting accounts of whiskey history, as there are of all history. Some claim that the Pendennis Club, a private social club in Louisville, Kentucky, is where the drink got its start in 1880. The bourbon distillery and bartender James E. Pepper are associated with the recipe.  

Before bringing the drink to the Waldorf-Astoria hotel bar in New York City, rumors claim that Pepper was a member of The Pendennis Club. Some say Louisville is the birthplace of the Old Fashioned, while others insist New York City is the origin. However, wherever it came from, it’s one of the most classic cocktails. 

Taste: The Old Fashioned perfectly highlights the flavor of the whiskey with its citrusy flavor and light sweetness. 



  • Soak sugar cubes in a few drops of water and dashes of Angostura bitters. Muddle it in a rocks glass. 
  • Pour in the Bourbon in 20ml increments, adding a few ice cubes each time and stirring for about 15 seconds for each 20ml poured. 
  • Finally, gently twist the orange peel to release the flavor and garnish the zest.

Rob Roy 

Origin: This whisky cocktail’s history dates back to 1894 and is named after an operetta inspired by the life of Scottish folk hero Rob Roy MacGregor. It was created at the Manhattan Waldorf Astoria, and as you might expect, it’s made with Scotch whisky. 

Taste: Dry and sweet 


  • Angostura bitters 
  • Scotch whisky 60ml 
  • Sweet vermouth 20ml 


  • Add a dash of Angostura bitters and sweet vermouth to your Scotch whisky mixture. 
  • Stir in ice to chill and dilute the mixture.  
  • Finally, strain it over ice into a chilled martini glass, then garnish with a few maraschino cherries. 

Variation: Despite being traditionally sweet, the Rob Roy comes in “dry” and “perfect” varieties to customize to your preferences. Simply use equal amounts of sweet and dry vermouth to create a more harmonious cocktail by exchanging the sweet vermouth for dry vermouth. 

Whiskey Sour 

Origin: The Whiskey Sour, initially enjoyed by British sailors, has been around the world and has evolved. One of the earliest references to this well-known cocktail dates to 1872, when a Peruvian newspaper article credited a sailor by the name of Elliot Staub with coming up with the cocktail. 

Taste: Sour and citrusy flavor with orange and zesty lemon highlights. 


  • Bourbon 60ml 
  • Fresh lemon juice 30ml 
  • Egg white 15ml 
  • Sugar syrup (simple syrup) 15ml 
  • Angostura bitters 


  • Mix the ingredients in a cocktail shaker without using ice. 
  • Stir thoroughly to aerate. The acidity in the lemon juice will aid in emulsifying the egg white, resulting in a thick and creamy foam. 
  • Add ice and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds before straining. 
  • Garnish with a maraschino cherry and a couple of dashes of Angostura bitters. 

Variation: If you want to be more sophisticated, make a New York Sour with a layer of red wine on top. 

Brown Derby Cocktail 

Origin: The Brown Derby Cocktail is a bit elegant, straight from Hollywood. It was invented in the 1930s at the Vendome Club and named after a hat-shaped restaurant on Wilshire Boulevard. 

Taste: Refreshing  


  • Whiskey 45ml  
  • Fresh grapefruit juice 30ml  
  • Honey Syrup 15ml 


  • In a shaker, combine the honey syrup and fresh grapefruit juice. 
  • Pour in the whiskey and serve with ice. 
  • Shake vigorously and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. 
  • Garnish with grapefruit zest 

Whiskey Smash 

Origin: The first Whiskey Smash was created in the 1860s by Jerry Thomas, the father of American mixology, who also published the first cocktail recipe book. The cocktail we know and love today was developed by Dale “King of Cocktails” DeGroff in the Rainbow Room in New York. 

Taste: Citrusy, refreshing, and minty. 


  • Whiskey 60ml 
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves 
  • Half a lemon cut into wedges 
  • Sugar syrup (simple syrup) 1 tbsp 


  • Muddle the lemons with the syrup in a mixing glass, then garnish with mint leaves. 
  • After that, add the whiskey and ice. 
  • Shake vigorously and strain into the glass. 
  • Serve in a rocks glass with crushed ice and a garnish of mint leaves. 


This collection of simple cocktail recipes is ideal for anyone hoping to get their foot in the bartending door, or even if they’re throwing a party and need some drink ideas. There’s something here for every whiskey fan, and the variety of flavors will impress your guests. 


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