CFD solver

Everything About CFD Certification Courses

The CFD certification courses cover the key aspects of CFD solver development as well as its applications. Students can register for the certification course to get hands-on knowledge about CFD coding.  


CFD certification course overview 


  • Students admitted to the course can get detailed knowledge about CFD coding. 
  • The course offers students skills in applying simple solvers, MATLAB, and the OpenFOAM framework. 
  • The course offers a detailed overview of CFD meshing in ANSA.
  • Students can carry out advanced CFD problems in different fields using CONVERGE. 
  • The CFD course improves students’ skills in GT-POWER & GT-SUITE emission and performance and engine calibration skills. 
  • The course includes several key application tools: CONVERGE, MATLAB, C++, OpenFOAM, ANSA, ANSYS Fluent, GT-POWER, and GT-SUITE.  


Why should students join the CFD certification course? 


Students can join the CFD certification courses as the courses offer:


  • Hands-on expertise in CFD coding  
  • Expertise in the application of MATLAB and OpenFOAM framework
  • Expertise in the application of simple solvers
  • Efficiency in pre/post-processing utilities and ANSYS Fluent
  • Advanced meshing skills in ANSA
  • Solve different CFD problems by using CONVERGE
  • Improving skills in engine performance, calibration, and emission
  • Usage of GT-Power & GT-Suite


Different CFD certification courses 

  • Advanced CFD Meshing using ANSA


In the program, students can learn about the following topics: 


  • ANSA Software modules, including the Graphical User Interface(GUI)
  • Different solvers and analysis types 
  • Geometric ANSA tools and topology cleanup
  • TOPO deck tools 

  • Introduction to GUI-based CFD using ANSYS Fluent


The course includes: 


  • Introduction to CFD 
  • Numerical Discretization in CFD
  • CFD fluid solver 
  • Laminar simulation and ANSYS fluent turbulent flows 
  • Steady-state simulations performances 
  • Meshing strategies exploration
  • External Aerodynamics
  • Conjugate Heat Transfer in the CFD system
  • Discrete Phase Modelling
  • Use defined functions in CFD systems
  • The basic reacting flows in CFD systems 

  • Introduction to CFD using MATLAB and OpenFOAM 


The course discusses the following topics: 


  • About the Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Essential parts in Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics
  • Basic learning of MATLAB and CFD concepts
  • Application of FDM for solving standard CFD problems 
  • Basic knowledge of FVM and OpenFOAM
  • Skills in solving standard CFD Problems in OpenFOAM

  • IC Engine Calibration using GT-POWER and GT-SUITE


The key topics included in the course are as follows: 


  • Basic learning of GT-POWER and GT-SUITE
  • Techniques and skills in SI Engine Modelling
  • SI Engine studies 
  • Modeling techniques of CI engine 
  • CI engine case studies 
  • Turbocharger and Supercharger Modelling
  • FRM builder case studies 
  • Modeling techniques of the GT-POWER and GT-SUITE
  • 3-way Cat DOC DPF and SCR System case studies 
  • GT-POWER and GT-SUITE optimization techniques   
  • GT-POWER and GT-SUITE discretization Techniques
  • GT-POWER and GT-SUITE Hybrid Engine Modelling
  • Introduction to OpenFOAM Development


The course incuse the following topics:


  • OpenFOAM Development introduction and setting  
  • Basics knowledge of C++
  • Knowledge of Programming 1 (high level) 
  • Knowledge of Programming 2 (high level)
  • FVM (OpenFOAM 1)
  • FVM (OpenFOAM 2)
  • FVM (OpenFOAM 3)
  • Linear solvers 
  • Turbulence 1, including introduction, RANS averaging, the k-epsilon model, and the k-omega model 
  • Turbulence 2, including the k-omega SST model, wall functions and wall modelling, and working on a turbulence model
  • Temporal discretization 

So, if you wish to take up a CFD certification course online, keep this blog handy. All the best!