Ways the Cloud could improve the security of your firm’s data Archives - Tech InShorts https://techinshorts.com/tag/ways-the-cloud-could-improve-the-security-of-your-firms-data/ A scoop of Technology Fri, 25 Feb 2022 10:37:23 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://techinshorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-techinshorts-32x32.jpg Ways the Cloud could improve the security of your firm’s data Archives - Tech InShorts https://techinshorts.com/tag/ways-the-cloud-could-improve-the-security-of-your-firms-data/ 32 32 Ways the Cloud could improve the security of your firm’s data https://techinshorts.com/ways-the-cloud-could-improve-the-security-of-your-firms-data/ Thu, 24 Feb 2022 16:59:04 +0000 http://techinshorts.com/?p=2527 In recent years, one of the fastest-growing areas of computers and the IT industry has been in cloud computing provision. If you’re not aware, the [...]

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In recent years, one of the fastest-growing areas of computers and the IT industry has been in cloud computing provision. If you’re not aware, the term ‘cloud computing essentially describes any computer service that is processed remotely then delivered to the end-user (typically over the internet) and normally on a subscription or on-demand basis. 

While still in its relative infancy, cloud computing is having a tremendous impact on how and where businesses and individuals can use network resources – and the level of the service they can expect from them.  

Security – the bugbear of any online service

Whether you realize it or not, each time you log onto the web, you open up a potential myriad of problems – particularly from a business perspective as businesses remain the major target for hackers. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are an unscrupulous bunch and are constantly looking for ways to breach and exploit our sensitive personal and business data. 

More use of online cloud services means more risk, right?

On the face of it, it would be reasonable to suggest the more we entrust our data to online services, the greater the risks would be of hackers infiltrating it – but perhaps things aren’t quite as simple as that. Below are just a few reasons why your data is more likely much safer in the cloud than anywhere else.

Data security – in both storage and transit: Cloud companies are in the business of hosting and protecting firms’ data, so it’s in their interests to make sure their platforms are as secure as possible (though you should always read the small print in your contract to be sure exactly what a firm covers). However, as a general rule, your cloud provider will take every step necessary to protect your service and your data – both in storage and when it’s in transit. 

Above and beyond regulatory compliance: Your firm likely stores a lot of private data about clients or other companies – just the kind of information that is a literal goldmine for hackers. Entrusting this type of sensitive data to a professional cloud company is far safer than attempting to hide and store it yourself. Top-level cloud providers will also offer cloud governance services so you can control internal access to your data yet still provide employees with the information they need to perform their jobs. 

Protection against DDoS attacks: Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks are on the rise and becoming one of the most popular ways for hackers to exploit companies. If you were to run your own server (or even just a website on your own server), you would have to monitor, check, absorb and filter these attacks in-house – perhaps even on a manual basis. Most cloud providers will do all this as standard. 

The power to react to changing situations: No business stands still and it’s quite likely your IT requirements vary year to year, month to month or even day today. With a scalable cloud solution, you can upscale or downscale your level of service provision, so it remains adaptable and guarantees uptime through even the busiest periods.

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