What Kind Of VPNs Are There?

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become a cornerstone of digital privacy and security in today’s interconnected world. While the core purpose of a Best VPN Reddit remains consistent to provide a secure and encrypted pathway for data transmission there are different types to cater to various needs. This article explores the main kinds of VPNs and their specific applications.

Remote Access VPN

Definition: This VPN allows users to connect to a private network remotely. It’s like having a tunnel to a secured network from anywhere.

Use Cases: Employees of corporations use it to access office resources from a distance. Individual users also find it popular to protect their online privacy and security.

Site-to-Site VPN

Definition: Also known as Router-to-Router VPN, it connects entire networks.

Use Cases: Often employed by businesses to link multiple branch offices to the company’s main office. For instance, a corporation with branches worldwide can interconnect its local networks, ensuring seamless data sharing.

Advantages: Efficient for companies with multiple locations, reducing the need for individual connections.

PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol)

Definition: PPTP, one of the earliest VPN protocols, encapsulates the data packet and builds a tunnel. It’s less secure than newer protocols but is still widely supported.

Use Cases: Suitable for individual users who prioritise speed over security, such as for streaming or basic browsing.

Advantages: Easy to set up and offers faster speeds due to its lower encryption level.


Definition: An open-source VPN protocol known for its adaptability and security.

Use Cases: The majority of Best VPN Reddit service providers’ top choice. And for tasks needing the highest level of security.

Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol and Internet Protocol Security, or L2TP/IPsec

Definition: L2TP creates the tunnel, while IPsec handles encryption and channel security.

Use Cases: A better option for those seeking a balance between security and performance. It gets used for corporate VPNs and general consumer usage.

Advantages: It provides more security than PPTP and gets surprised on most modern devices.

SSL/TLS VPN (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security)

Definition:  SSL/TLS VPNs enable web browser access using a conventional VPN client. SSL VPNs come in two forms: SSL Portal VPN and SSL Tunnel VPN.

Use Cases: Businesses often employ SSL VPNs to give employees access to a restricted portal.

Mobile VPN

Definition: Designed for mobile devices, this VPN ensures a stable connection even when switching between networks or going in and out of coverage areas.

Use Cases: Essential for professionals who rely on mobile devices and frequently move in and out of Wi-Fi hotspots.

Advantages: Provides a stable connection, reduces battery drain, and offers seamless network transitions.


Definition: A newer VPN protocol aiming to be more efficient and secure than its predecessors. It’s lightweight, fast, and modern.

Use Cases: Becoming the go-to choice for many VPN providers due to its efficiency and performance advantages.

Advantages: Uses state-of-the-art cryptography, runs at high speeds, and requires less computational resources.


VPNs cover more applications, including network bridging across continents, corporate data protection, and individual privacy concerns. When choosing a VPN type or protocol, it’s essential to identify your specific requirements, balancing the speed, security, and functionality. As technology evolves, we can also anticipate further advancements in VPN technology, offering users even more options and heightened security in the digital age.