Environment Archives - Tech InShorts https://techinshorts.com/tag/environment/ A scoop of Technology Mon, 23 Oct 2023 11:32:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://techinshorts.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/cropped-techinshorts-32x32.jpg Environment Archives - Tech InShorts https://techinshorts.com/tag/environment/ 32 32 Setting up a Go Development Environment with Sublime Text https://techinshorts.com/setting-up-a-go-development-environment-with-sublime-text/ Mon, 23 Oct 2023 11:32:42 +0000 https://techinshorts.com/?p=14608 Go or Golang is the programming language that gained the traction of developers for complex web development tasks. It feels like the mix of Java [...]

The post <strong>Setting up a Go Development Environment with Sublime Text</strong> appeared first on Tech InShorts.

Go or Golang is the programming language that gained the traction of developers for complex web development tasks. It feels like the mix of Java and Python that addresses the modern-day needs of development. The setting up of a Go development environment can be tricky for first-time developers and it is crucial to set the right path of variables. 

The search for the top Go IDEs rises as developers look to set up the Golang programming development environment appropriately. Sublime Text is the kind of IDE recommended by professional developers to process development tasks flawlessly. Such IDE assists the programmers will have a greater impact on the development process and also enhances the overall code quality. 

IDEs are meant to save repetitive tasks like testing & debugging, and ultimately save a lot of time for developers. Sublime Text offers appropriate customization to tailor the development environment as per specific preferences. If you’ve been already using Golang then looking for a separate IDE like Sublime Text Editor then configuration or updates need to be done with perfection. The blog highlights the relevant ways to set up a Go development environment with Sublime Text. 

What are the Pros and Cons of Sublime Text Editor?

Sublime Text Editor supports multiple languages and has become an attractive point for Go developers. It is the best choice to multi-task across different languages like Java, Python, C++, and others. Moreover, the possibility of complex Go programming language project completion is very prominent with the use of specific plugins & packages. 

The type of editor can be customized easily with the use of varied settings and configurations to fit the workflows. Golang programming today uses such a type of editor for efficient development tasks. Sublime Text Editor also has features like syntax highlighting, cross-platform support, extensive customizations, multiple cursors, code completion, package manager, and others. 

Other than the top features of the text editor, let us look into the pros of Sublime Text Editor –

  • Go developers will need minimal resources for faster and lighter text editors. 
  • Customizations of the editor can be done easily with the use of key bindings & custom macros. 
  • Edit multiple program codes swiftly with the use of multi-caret editing. 
  • Plugins can be installed easily alongside packages to complete the Go development projects. 
  • The full-screen mode and split editing support the faster completion of web activities. 

There can be also some troubles faced by developers while using Golang programming language and let us be familiar with the cons of Sublime text editor – 

  • The Go developers will get controlled debugging support for the tasks. 
  • At the time of multi-tasking with different languages, there will be minimal support for the languages and varied file formats. 
  • It is not an open source editor and licenses are available with relevant payments. 

Installing and Updating of Go

To start up the Go programming language activity, the system needs to be updated to the newer version of the language. But, first, remove any older version in the system –

Sudo rm -r /usr/local/go

Then download the newer version of Golang from official site and extract it for appropriate installation –

Sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.7.1. linux-amd64.tar.gz

Also, the other option will be to use Golang Version Manager for the installation of the platform and set up the right tools for a website development environment. Next, set the PATH environment by adding the following to ‘.bashrc’ –

export PATH=$PATH: /ur/local/go/bin

export GOPATH=$HOME / go

And, finally, create the desirable developmental workspace – 

Mkdir -p ~/go/scr/github.com/alexeyza

How To Setup Sublime Text?

The setup of Sublime Text Editor for Go development should be completed with the installation of different tools for productive outcomes. If the developer is new to Go development then the task starts with the setup of the development workspace. The setting of the system should run through OSX or Linux commands like –

echo ‘export GOPATH=$HOME/Code/go’ >> ~/.bash_profile

echo ‘export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin’ >> ~/.bash_profile 

source ~/.bash_profile

mkdir -p ~/Code/go/src/github.com/wolfeidau

cd !$

After the setup of the environment, relevant tools need to be installed for desirable web development tasks. 

go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports

go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet

go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/oracle

go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc

Also, use the Package Control for the installation of Sublime Text Editor in a specific manner –


 “env”: {











[“goimports”, “-srcdir”, “$_dir”],









[“go”, “build”, “-i”]},


[“golint $_fn”], “shell”: true},


[“go”, “vet”]},


[“goconst $_dir”], “shell”: true},


[“usedexports $_dir”], “shell”: true},


[“ineffassign $_fn”], “shell”: true},



The developers can now save and restart the Sublime Text Editor. It might take a few seconds for the installation and then the developers can start their website development task with the Golang programming language.  

Specific Way To Build and Run Go Code 

The Sublime Text can be used to build, compile, and run the codes for specific operations. Use ‘CTRL + B’ or ‘CTRL + 9’ like –

Package main 

Import “fmt”

Func main () {

           Fmt.Println (“hello world”)


There are also different kinds of plugins to support different Golang projects and also works well with the editor. As mentioned above, try to install the following tools for specific development goals:

go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/oracle

go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports

go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc

Developers can now start the website or web app development tasks to complete the projects timely and within the specified work environment. 

Final Thoughts! 

The selection of IDE like Sublime Text Editor will boost the Go development activities for businesses. It also streamlines the overall coding experience and supports the website’s goals. The unique features of the editor ensure intelligent debugging to support the web development frameworks. 

Work efficiently with powerful & top-quality text editors to customize your business sites and also follow the best Go development practices. It can be installed easily and developers can start the cross-platform development activities as per expected lines. Hope this has helped you understand the installation & setup of the Sublime Text Editor with simple steps. 

The post <strong>Setting up a Go Development Environment with Sublime Text</strong> appeared first on Tech InShorts.

How to Create a Supportive Environment for Mental Healthcare Professionals https://techinshorts.com/how-to-create-a-supportive-environment-for-mental-healthcare-professionals/ Wed, 15 Feb 2023 17:59:15 +0000 https://techinshorts.com/?p=9354 Mental healthcare professionals provide an invaluable service that helps individuals lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. To ensure that they can deliver those services in [...]

The post How to Create a Supportive Environment for Mental Healthcare Professionals appeared first on Tech InShorts.

Mental healthcare professionals provide an invaluable service that helps individuals lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. To ensure that they can deliver those services in the best possible way, it is important to create a supportive environment for them. Strategies to accomplish this include:

Ensuring their workplace has adequate resources

Mental health professionals work hard each day to improve the lives of those around them, and it is important that we provide them with a supportive environment in order to ensure that their service delivery is not hindered. This includes providing clinics with billing software for mental health providers, as billing can be an arduous and time-consuming task for these professionals.


Providing billing software will give mental healthcare providers access to a secure workflow platform, offering efficiency and convenience that is otherwise unavailable. In addition, billing software helps ensure accurate billing data collection, improving record keeping and maintaining compliance with legislation such as the HIPAA Security Rule. Offering billing software alongside other necessary resources creates an environment that encourages growth and development in mental health professionals across the country.

Providing peer support and mentorship opportunities

In the field of mental healthcare, it is imperative to have a supportive environment for professionals in order to provide the best care to their clients. Establishing peer support networks, as well as providing mentorship opportunities to nurture new and experienced practitioners can help ensure that mental health professionals are funded and supported by their peers.


By creating this kind of encouraging climate, practitioners will be better able to focus on their work of delivering quality mental healthcare services, rather than worrying about more mundane tasks such as marketing or paperwork. Providing supportive environments for mental health professionals not only helps them succeed in their practice but also gives them the chance to grow and continue to contribute meaningful services to our society.

Offering flexible working arrangements when appropriate

In order to ensure the best possible care is provided and the well-being of these dedicated professionals is taken into account, it is important for employers to provide a supportive environment. This includes offering flexible working arrangements when appropriate; such measures enable healthcare providers to be available for their clients while also having enough time for themselves. It can help boost job satisfaction, productivity, and morale among mental health professionals, leading ultimately to better quality care for all those who need it.

Making sure they are given time away from work to prevent burnout

A supportive work environment is essential for mental healthcare professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. Supportive managers understand the importance of granting these professionals time away from their job to prevent burnout, especially in light of the increasing demands placed on these individuals. This time away can serve many functions, ranging from providing a break to get away from the daily stressors of their jobs to create an opportunity for other self-care activities like yoga classes or even more rest and relaxation at home.


All of these activities give healthcare professionals the chance to refuel and reenergize, so they can return to work with renewed passion and focus. Supporting mental healthcare professionals in this way not only benefits them professionally but also contributes positively by improving outcomes for those receiving care.

Fostering open communication between professionals and their clients

Creating a supportive environment between mental healthcare professionals and their clients is critical for transforming the client experience. Open communication not only helps to establish trust and understanding between the two parties, but the open dialogue can also be incredibly therapeutic for those seeking professional help. By engaging in transparency and meaningful conversations, both mental health professionals and their clients can benefit from an improved relationship that is inviting and conducive to better well-being.


More so, it provides mental health professionals with the opportunity to offer customized treatments that can be tweaked for better efficacy depending on changes in clients’ situations or circumstances. Open communication will undoubtedly prove beneficial in forming healthier connections with each other as they work towards achieving a common goal.

Promoting career development and continuing education opportunities

Creating a supportive environment for mental health professionals is paramount in fostering an engaging career that promotes continuing education opportunities, furthering the scope and success of mental health care across the nation. By taking a fresh eyes approach – utilizing innovative approaches as well as listening to both employees and members of the community – we can create workplaces that are healthy.


This means making sure mental health staff have access to continuing education opportunities such as workshops, seminars, and conferences, while also offering adequate financial compensation and healthcare benefits. Keeping morale high through internal recognition programs, stipends, and tuition reimbursements, allows providers to benefit personally while also honing their ability to provide quality care. With these investments in employees and place of work, organizations will be able to retain professionals, provide outstanding service and build trusted relationships throughout the field of mental health care.


A supportive environment for mental healthcare professionals will have countless rewards for everyone involved.

The post How to Create a Supportive Environment for Mental Healthcare Professionals appeared first on Tech InShorts.
