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Test case management for cross-browser testing: 5 secrets to seamless success

A consistent and flawless user experience across different web browsers is of paramount importance for many applications. This is where cross-browser testing comes into play, and effective test case management is the key to its success. In this article, the Zebrunner testing platform shares five secrets to consider for seamless cross-browser testing.

Definition of cross-browser testing

Cross-browser testing refers to the process of evaluating a website or web application’s functionality and appearance across multiple web browsers and their various versions. The goal of cross-browser testing is to ensure that a website works consistently and effectively for all users, regardless of the browser or device they are using. This process helps identify and address compatibility issues, rendering inaccuracies, and other browser-specific problems that can impact the user experience.

Cross-browser testing typically involves the following key aspects:

Вrowser compatibility. It assesses a website’s performance on various web browsers, including popular options like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Testing on different versions of these browsers is essential since each version may render web content differently.

Operating system compatibility. Websites should work seamlessly on various operating systems like Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Cross-browser testing ensures that a website functions consistently on all these platforms.

Responsive design. As mobile devices become increasingly prevalent, ensuring responsive design is essential. Cross-browser testing examines how a website adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions, providing a positive user experience on desktop and mobile devices.

Test case management software and cross-browser testing

Test case management software helps you organize, execute, and analyze test cases systematically, ensuring that the testing process is efficient and reliable. With the right test case management tool, you can streamline your cross-browser testing efforts. 

Below you will find 5 secrets on how to improve cross-browser testing using test case management software. 

Secret #1. Test case selection

Begin by identifying the critical scenarios within your application. These are the functionalities and features that are essential to the user experience. Focus your testing efforts on these areas to ensure they work flawlessly across different browsers.

Next, select the browsers and their versions that are most relevant to your target audience. Consider factors like browser popularity and usage statistics. Prioritize testing on browsers that a significant portion of your users are likely to use.

Remember that not all test cases are equally important. Prioritize your test cases based on their impact on user experience and criticality. This will help you allocate your testing resources effectively.

Secret #2. Cross-browser compatibility matrix

Develop a compatibility matrix that outlines the supported browsers and their versions for your application.

A cross-browser compatibility matrix is a document or reference tool used in web development and quality assurance to track and communicate the compatibility of a website or web application across various web browsers and their different versions. It serves as a visual representation of how the site functions on different browser-platform combinations. This matrix is essential for ensuring that the web content is displayed and functions consistently across a wide range of browsers, helping to deliver a positive user experience. A typical cross-browser compatibility matrix includes the following elements: browsers, operating systems, browser versions, and compatibility status. 

Stay updated on the browsers and their versions that are supported by your application. This information is dynamic, as browsers are frequently updated. Ensure that your compatibility matrix remains current.

Also, consider testing on various devices and operating systems to cover a wider spectrum of user environments. Ensure that your cross-browser testing accounts for mobile devices, tablets, and different desktop platforms.

Secret #3. Test automation

Test automation is an invaluable asset in cross-browser testing. It accelerates testing processes, increases test coverage, and minimizes human error. Automated test scripts can be run across multiple browsers, making it a time-efficient approach.

Choose automation tools that support cross-browser testing. Selenium, for instance, is a widely used framework for automating browser interactions. Evaluate and select the tool that best fits your testing requirements.

Once you’ve chosen an automation tool, implement it effectively. Develop automated test scripts that cover the identified critical scenarios and execute them across the chosen browsers. Regularly update and maintain these scripts to ensure their relevance.

Secret #4. Test data management

Web applications frequently incorporate dynamic content, including interactive elements, forms, and data that can be displayed differently in various web browsers. Effectively managing test data in cross-browser testing is critical to maintaining consistency and ensuring that your web application functions as expected across different browser-platform combinations. Test data management is crucial in cross-browser testing due to the following reasons:

Dynamic content handling. Web applications often rely on JavaScript and dynamic elements to provide interactive features. In cross-browser testing, it’s important to ensure that these dynamic components work correctly across all supported browsers. For example, ensure that dropdown menus, sliders, and date pickers behave consistently, even if they are implemented using JavaScript libraries.

Form submissions. Handling form submissions is a critical part of web application functionality. Different browsers may interpret form data and submissions slightly differently. Test data management should involve verifying that data entered in input fields is correctly processed and submitted, regardless of the browser used. It’s essential to account for variations in browser behavior, such as how they handle date formats, character encoding, and form validation.

Data display and layout. Cross-browser testing should also encompass data display and layout consistency. Different browsers may interpret and render HTML and CSS code in distinct ways, potentially leading to layout discrepancies and issues. Test data management should include verification of how data is presented, fonts, spacing, and overall layout alignment. This ensures that users have a visually consistent experience across various browsers.

Secret #5. Reporting and analysis

Reporting and analysis provide a clear and concise way to communicate the results and progress of cross-browser testing to project stakeholders, including developers, project managers, and clients. It ensures that everyone is informed about the status of browser compatibility. In addition, detailed reports and analysis help prioritize issues and determine which browser-platform combinations require immediate attention. This allows teams to allocate resources effectively and address critical issues first, ensuring that the most widely used browsers are supported.

With reporting, you can uncover trends and patterns in cross-browser issues. For example, you may identify recurring problems with a specific browser or version, allowing you to focus on solving root causes and preventing similar issues in the future. Furthermore, comprehensive reporting helps in risk assessment and mitigation. By understanding the status of cross-browser compatibility, you can proactively address issues before they impact a significant portion of your user base, reducing the risk of negative user experiences and potential revenue loss.

Implement real-time test result monitoring to identify any issues promptly. This allows you to take immediate action when a test case fails on a specific browser. Capture and analyze test metrics, such as pass rates, fail rates, and execution times. These metrics provide insights into the performance of your application across different browsers and help in pinpointing areas that require improvement.

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